Anorganic pollution of drinking water
Among potential anorganic pollutants are minerals, certain heavy metals, fluorides, nitrates and nitrites.
Organic pollution of drinking water
Pesticides can also be considered as possible pollutants of groundwater. They are compounds which compete with the enzymes which are an important factor of the cell mechanism in our body. The way in which pesticides affect our body:
- They may change the membrane permeability of cells;
- They bind with molecules of enzymes thus hindering their activity;
- They react with the substances;
- They may react with the products of enzyme reactions;
- They may react or compete with co-enzymes;
- They may ruin the structure of cells;
- They deactivate the regulation of enzyme reactions;
All of these may lead to changes in our organism. The effect may be cancerogen, mutagen and teratogen.
For more information check these titles:
Poročilo o monitoringu pitne vode v Sloveniji
Toksikologija pitnih voda
Nadzor nad boleznimi, ki se prenašajo z vodo